
Tithing and offerings "provides the financial assets for congregations to launch and expand a wide continuum of ministries. Together, we are able to accomplish far more than most of us can achieve individually." … Giving "congregations are beacons of spiritual vitality and health. They are communities grounded in spiritual relationships, beginning with a relationship to God as the primary source of strength, hope, and life.”

Written by David S. Bell, former Director of Stewardship with Discipleship Ministries.

There are four ways of giving. 

1)  Weekly envelope. Drop in the offering plate

2)  Mail tithes and offering to the church - 

United Methodist Church of Westford
ATTN:  Financial Secretary
10 Church Street
Westford, MA 01886-2111

3) Online  giving

a) Web-Based - When you click on the 'ONLINE Giving' icon below, you will be taken to a secure site where you can make a one-time gift or where you can set up a recurring gift.  When you have completed your gift, you will be given a "Confirmation Number" at the top of your screen and an opportunity to "Print Page" at the bottom of your screen. We recommend that you do print that screen on your first use.  Please notice the usual indications in your browser of a secure connection.

b)  Mobile App  - Vanco provides a mobile app (GivePlus) to make a one time giving or set up a recurring giving your mobile device.

To Download app, search "GivePlus Church" in the App Store or Google Play.
